Terrestrial arthropods

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The collection of terrestrial arthropods at the Hebrew University includes the handel collection, the arthropod collection, the isopod collection, the parasitological insect collection and the national arachnid collection. The national collection of arachnids at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem includes representatives from all eight arachnoid orders found in Israel: Acari (including ticks), Pseudoscorpiones, Araneae, Solifugae, Scorpiones, Ambilypygii , Palpigradi and Opiliones.
The national collection of arachnids at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is the most comprehensive collection in the Middle East and is a collection of global importance. The collection includes specimens collected from the early 20th century to present day, mainly by Prof. Aharon Shulov, Pinchas Amitai, Dr. Gershom Levy, Prof. Yael Lubin and Dr. Efrat Gavish-Regev and also includes the arachnid collection of Yaacov Palmoni, the parasitological collection and the Acari (including ticks) collection of Prof. Michael Costa, Prof. Brouria Feldman-Muhsam and Prof. Oscar Theodor.
The collection of insects mainly includes insects collected from bodies of water (wet collection) and pollinating insects (dry collection). The collection of terrestrial isopods mainly includes isopods from caves, and joins the collection of isopods from aquatic habitats. The Nedal collection includes representatives from four series of Nedals: Scutigeromorpha, Geophilomorpha, Lithobiomorpha and Rabandelas. The Hebrew University's Arthropod Collection includes representatives of several Arthropod Series.
The lab of the National Arachnid Collection is part of the collection of terrestrial arthropods in the National Nature Collections at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The lab team includes Dr. Efrat Gabish-Regev (head of the lab), post-doctoral students and research students. For more information about the laboratory, click here.
Contact info
For general issues, you can contact the director of the collection by email
Regarding visiting, requests for sampling, depositing and borrowing items, information can be found on the Procedures And Forms page.
Our Projects
Taxonomy, Species Diversity and Distribution of Arachnids in Israel
The laboratory of the National Arachnid Collection is part of the Terrestrial Arthropod Collection, at the National Natural History Collections, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The laboratory is focusing in documentation and description of arachnid diversity and its distribution in Israel.

Historical collection Catalogue
In the last decade we are engaged in cataloging and digitization of the Hebrew University Terrestrial Arthropod Collection. This process includes creation of digital files for the hard-copy catalogs, data verification and documentation of specimens.
Key and up-to-date catalog for Israeli arachnids
we are preparing catalogs for all known arachnid series from Israel, including keys to define families and species.
Ecological assessments for selected arachnids
we are preparing, in collaboration with Dr. Or Kumai from Hamaarag, Shlomo Cain from Tel Aviv University, Dr. Efrat Gavish-Regev and Yoram Zvik from the National Arachnid Collection at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, ecological assessments for all Israeli scorpions, for the Red Book of Israel's Invertebrates.
In the future we plan to prepare ecological assessments for arachnids in caves, and for additional arachnids series.
A field guide to Israeli scorpions
The book 'Field Guide to the Scorpions of Israel' is a joint creation of the National Nature Collections at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Israel Scorpion Research Laboratory - the Duchifat Association in Yeruham, and the Israel Nature and Parks Authority. The book includes detailed information, a flow chart for identifying scorpions and many photographs that allow identification of the scorpion species in Israel.
Scorpions are a series of arachnids of ecological and medical importance. While all scorpions have venom, only some species have venom that is potentially dangerous to humans. All scorpions are predators, and in some ecosystems they are one of the main predators and are therefore of high importance in nature conservation, especially in arid areas. In Israel, there are over 20 species of scorpions, some of which have adaptations to unique habitats, while others have no preference for a particular habitat. Various features allow us to identify, relatively easily, the scorpions to the species level.
article published in Haaretz about the guide. To purchase the guide, contact Dr. Efrat Gavish-Regev by email.
- Spider diversity and assemblage composition in agroecosystems
- The effects of ecological disasters on arachnid local diversity
- Pseudoscorpiones of Israel
- Taxonomy and Biogeography of the wolf-spider family Lycosidae in the Levant
- Evolution, systematics and ecology of arachnids in caves
- Arachnid collection
The arachnid fauna of Israel and its surroundings had been studied since the early 19th century by foreign specialists such as Audouin, O. P. – Cambridge and others. Prof. Aharoni, at the early 20th century, was the first local zoologist who collected spiders deliberately although he did not set up a local collection. It was only at the end of the 1920’s, following the foundation of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, that Prof. Shulov established a local arachnid collection of medical and agricultural importance. With the expansion of the collection staff in the early 1960’s, the collection started growing and an effort was made to collect specimens from Israel and the neighboring areas and to identify and study all arachnid orders. Since Dr. Levy became the collection curator, in the early 1970’s, it became the most comprehensive arachnid collection in the region, and a precious resource for arachnologists worldwide.
The collection includes valuable literature and specimens from all arachnid orders found in the region, including historical (Amitai, Costa, Feldman-Muhsam, Levy, Shulov, Theodor) and more recent collections: Acarina (Super order), Amblypygi, Araneae, Opiliones, Palpigradi, Pseudoscorpionida, Scorpiones and Solifugae, and holds many types (mainly of Costa, Levy, Prozinsky, Shulov, Theodor).
In addition, the collection was the main source for material used for three Fauna Palestina books on arachnids:
Arachnida I: Scorpiones, Levy & Amitai, 1980.
Arachnida II: Araneae: Thomisidae, Levy, 1985.
Arachnida III: Araneae: Theridiidae, Levy, 1998.
Since 2014, Dr. Efrat Gavish-Regev is the collection manager and curator of Arachnida, in this last decade the laboratory of the arachnid collection is very active in studying and teaching evolution, ecology and systematics of arachnids, and many species new to science are being described by the collection staff. - Araneae Collection
The National Spider Collection, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, includes thousands of specimens representing all spider families known from Israel - about 800 species in more than 50 families. Currently we are preparing an updated catalog for the spiders of Israel, including key to families. In the last year four species new to science were described, and more than 20 additional are in the process of being described.
- Amblypygi Collection
The National Amblypygi Collection, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, includes tens of specimens of the two known Sarax (Charinidae) species found in Israel. Recently we published a paper that deals with the evolution and distribution of the Sarax species in Israel.
- Scorpiones Collection
The National Scorpion Collection, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, includes thousands of specimens representing all 25 scorpion species of the three scorpion families known from Israel. In addition, several specimens of possible new species to science that will be identified / described soon by the collection staff are found in the collection. We expect five additional species new to Israel or new to science. After solving these taxonomic questions, we will update the guide for Israel scorpions, written by Yoram Zvik and Dr. Efrat Gavish-Regev from the National Arachnid Collection and by collaborators from the Israel Nature and Park Authority in 2018.
Currently we are preparing, in collaboration with Dr. Orr Comay from Hamaarag, Shlomo Cain from Tel Aviv University, Dr. Efrat Gavish-Regev and Yoram Zvik from the National Arachnid Collection, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, ecological assessments for all the scorpion species of Israel, as part of the Invertebrate Red List of Israel. - Pseudoscorpiones Collection
The National Pseudocorpiones Collection, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, includes hundreds of specimens representing over 50 species in 14 families. In the last year, as a result of intensive collection and taxonomic work by Dr. Sharon Warburg, in collaboration with Dr. Danilo Harms, two new family records were added to the family list of Israel, and at least ten possible new species to science will be described soon.
Currently, Sharon is preparing the Israel Pseudoscorpiones Catalog, that will include key to families. - Opiliones Collection
The National Opiliones Collection, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, includes hundreds of specimens representing over 20 species in 6 families.
Currently, we are preparing, in collaboration with Prof. Prashant Sharma, the Israel Opiliones Catalog, that will include key to families and species. - Solifugae Collection
The National Solifugae Collection, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, includes hundreds of specimens representing over 50 species in six families.
In the last year, as part of international collaboration led by Prof. Prashant Sharma, we collected fresh material and sequence the genome of several species from the historical collection and of the fresh material using UCE methods. As a result of this international collaboration, the first phylogeny of the order Solifugea, with the 12 known families, is being published. This collaboration will enable us to study the taxonomy and systematics of Israel Solifugae using advanced tools, and to publish in the future an updated catalog of the Solifugae species of Israel. - Palpigradi Collection
The National Palpigradi Collection, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, includes few specimens of the genus Eukoenenia (Eukoeneniidae). New species to science are awiting formal description.
- Mites Collection
The Historical National Mite Collection, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, includes material collected by Michael Costa, in ethanol and as slides. Recently, Prof. Eric Palevsky and Mr. Eitan Recht , Associate Curators, are conducting taxonomic and faunistic studies. The collection includes representatives of tens of acari families.
Recently we started collecting fresh material for the purpose of molecular studies.
The collection also includes representatives of an undescribed species of Opilioacaridae from caves, collected recently. - Ticks Collection
The Historical National Tick Collection, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, includes thousands of specimens of the two common families found in Israel, the hard ticks (Ixodidae) and the soft ticks (Argasidae). Most of the material in the historical collection was collected by Prof. Bruria Feldman-Muzam, and Prof. Oscar Theodor. Recently, Prof. Kosta Mumcuoglu, an Associate Curator, is conducting taxonomic and faunistic studies. The uniqueness of this historical collection is the link to the host animals where the ticks collected from.
Recently we started collecting fresh material for the purpose of molecular studies.
- Centipede Collection
The Hebrew University Centipede collection includes four orders:
Scutigeromorpha, Geophilomorpha, Lithobiomorpha, Scolopendromorph.
More than 700 cataloged items (some with more than one individual) all sorted by order and family, and 75% are identified to species level.
In the last decade, as part of an extensive study of the cave arthropod fauna of Israel, troglophile and troglobite centipedes were collected, awiting for the final identification to species level. - Millipede Collection
The Hebrew University Millipede collection includes several orders and families such as:
Polyxenidae, Glomeridae, Spirostreptidae, Strongylosomidae and Julidae.
Currently we sort, identify and catalog our specimens.
For more information on Millipedes we suggest to visit Prof. Petra Sierwald website millipedes-made-easy which includes introduction and Key for the Millipede orders in several languages (including Hebrew- translated by Dr. Efrat Gavish-Regev).
In the last decade, as part of an extensive study of the cave arthropod fauna of Israel, troglophile and troglobite millipedes were collected, awiting for the final identification to species level. - Insect Collection
The Hebrew University Insect collections includes two historical sub-collections: the aquatic inland insect collection (a project that is still carried on by Dr. Chanan Dimentman), and the pollinator collection of Prof. Avi Shmida.
The importance of these historical collections is the documentation of insects from inland sweet water bodies that are not exist anymore, and the link to the plant and other ecological information in the pollinator collection that holds more than 5000 insect pollinators. - Isopoda Collection
The terrestrial Isopoda collection is part of the large historical collection of aquatic Isopoda. In the recent decade the collection has been enlarged and includes specimens from caves in Israel.