Dr. Efrat Gavish Regev

14 February, 2022
Dr. Efrat Gabish Regev


Coordinator of the national nature collections and scientific director of the national collection of arachnids and other terrestrial arthropod collections at the Faculty of Natural Sciences.

During my post-doctoral training at the Zoological Museum at the University of Copenhagen, I examined homologies of reproductive organs in spiders from the Arsalidae family. Understanding the homology of morphological traits is an important basis for understanding the phylogenetic relationships between related species, and understanding the evolution of reproductive organs in spiders in the context of sexual selection.

Research in the National Arachnid Collection Laboratory is now focused on the systematics, evolution, and ecology of arachnids in caves in Israel, including the description of species new to science, processes of differentiation in caves, genetic mechanisms of eye loss, and the effect of the organic matter in the cave on the food web and the collection of species.

Variety in general, and variety of arthropods and arachnids in particular have fascinated me since I was a little girl walking around the wadis around my hometown of Arad. I was amazed by the variety of species, and questions that arose then - such as how they form, or why certain groups are more diverse than others - still interest me today.