Academic curator of the collection of reptiles and amphibians and the collection of birds, faculty member in the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior in the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
As part of a doctorate in ecology, I examined the "Effect of predation risks on the lizard Acanthodactylus beershebensis" and also did a campaign to preserve this lizard. At Yale University's School of Forestry and Environment I researched the "Effect of Predation Risks on Grasshoppers".
In our laboratory, we study the effect of a forest interface on species of lizards that are in danger of global extinction and examine why and how body patterns and coloration developed in lizards.
From a young age I thought of becoming a "naturalist", back in high school I wrote about pigs in the biology major, and later I participated in a study about tigers in the Ein Gedi area. It seems that the field recruited me and not the other way around.